Encouraging the flourishing of Israel as a secure, Jewish, Pluralistic and Democratic state is critical to the robust growth of progressive Judaism throughout both Israel and the Diaspora.

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The Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism is the communal, spiritual and social Jewish movement that acts to promote the values of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state according to the spirit of the Declaration of Independence, enriches Jewish identity among the diverse Israeli public, and works to influence religious, educational and public discourse in the State of Israel and in the entire Jewish world.

IMPJ’s work in Israel includes: Progressive Jewish education; establishing pluralistic Jewish communities; youth and young adult leadership; social action and advocacy for religious pluralism in Israel; engaging immigrants from the Former Soviet Union with their Judaism; deepening ties between Israeli and Diaspora Jews.

Shards of Light supports the IMPJ through the US-based Friends of IMPJ.

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The Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) secures civil rights for a just and egalitarian Israel based on Israeli law and Jewish tradition. IRAC is dedicated to the pursuit of a just Israeli society by

  • Advancing freedom of and from religion
  • Ensuring state recognition and equal status for Reform and Conservative rabbis, synagogues and institutions
  • Promoting equality in public.
[UPDATE for 2023 readers]  Members of the new government threaten to override Israel’s core values with insidious racism, extremism, and discrimination, endangering IRAC’s legal achievements which secured Israel as a Jewish and democratic homeland. A legal revolution, if allowed to pass, will block attempts to challenge in courts the extreme initiatives of the government and will gravely harm Israel’s democratic nature, leaving the rights of Reform Jews, women, LGBTQ and Arabs unprotected.

The anti-Reform views of the new government and its ministers may result in the loss of more than $1.5 million in government funding to the Israel Reform Movement. These programs provide critical support for rabbis and congregational activities, educational programs, and assistance to new immigrants, including many from Ukraine and Russia. 

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Congregation Kodesh VeChol (established in 2010) located 6 miles southeast of Tel Aviv, was founded by Rabbi Galit Cohen-Kedem.

We are a young, diverse community from all over the city of Holon, which voices pluralistic and egalitarian values, promotes liberal Judaism, social and environmental responsibility, and is part of the Israeli Movement for Progressive Judaism.

Our community members come from a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds, mostly young families. In a city of approximately 200,000 people, Kodesh VeChol serves as the only egalitarian liberal alternative.

After 6 long years of fruitless red tape with Holon’s City Hall, the Israeli court recently issued a judicial verdict ordering the city to allocate land for the construction of the first-ever Reform center in Holon.

Shards of Light supports this community through US-based KBY Congregations Together.


V’ahavta  – HaKehila Hashivionit Shoham (the Reform community of Shoham) was established in 2013 by a group of activists from Shoham and is led by Rabbi Rinat Safania-Shwartz, our founding rabbi, together with the congregation’s board of directors.

This community’s liberal, egalitarian, and pluralistic voice is an important contribution to the life of the residents of Shoham. So much so that in 2019, the municipality became the first in Israel to permit a Reform community to build a synagogue without the intervention of the Israeli Supreme Court. And with the generous support of its members, the Israeli Reform movement, and a significant partnership with Temple Israel of Memphis, Tennessee, they dedicated their new building in July 2021.

Shards of Light supports this community through US-based KBY Congregations Together.

Kehillat Yozma Modi'in logo

Kehillat YOZMA is the Reform Jewish Community in Modiin, Israel.

Founded in 1997, YOZMA is the vibrant spiritual, educational and cultural center for Progressive Jewish life in Modi’in and the surrounding area. Its mission is to create a pluralistic and creative Jewish center in the spirit of Progressive Judaism – one that aspires to Tikkun Olam and social justice and initiates services based upon Jewish pluralistic values.

They integrate Jewish heritage and progressive values throughout their community programs, events and educational frameworks impacting 1000+ families daily.

YOZMA was recognized by  Modi’in’s Outstanding Volunteer Organization Award.

Shards of Light supports this community through US-based KBY Congregations Together.

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The New Israel Fund (NIF) believes in an Israel where everyone can participate in a shared and just society. They are working to build a stronger democracy in Israel, rooted in the values of equality, of inclusion, and of social justice.

These Principles define NIF’s worldview and mission.

  • Achieve equality for all the citizens of the state regardless of religion, national origin, race, gender or sexual orientation;
  • Realize the civil and human rights of all individuals and groups through the protection of Palestinian citizens and other marginalized minorities, including the advancement of collective rights, and opposition to all forms of discrimination and bigotry;
  • Recognize and reinforce the essential pluralism of Israeli society and tolerance for diversity;
  • Protect the access of minorities to democratic channels for the expression of their interests and identities and the promotion of their rights;
  • Empower civil society in Israel as the fundamental vehicle of an open society;
  • Build and maintain a just society at peace with itself and its neighbors.
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Women of the Wall’s central mission is to attain social and legal recognition of our right, as women, to wear prayer shawls, pray, and read from the Torah, collectively and aloud, at the Western Wall.

WOW furthers their mission through social advocacy, education and empowerment. Shards of Light supports Women of the Wall through the US-based New Israel Fund.

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